Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue


Coastal marine species are adapting to life in plastic. Human plastics that have made their way into the open ocean are providing artificial habitats for otherwise coastal bound species. Researchers used to believe that
“Deep below what Herman Melville called ‘the ocean’s skin’, sound is the only viable sense, adding mystery to a world we know so little about.” The ocean is a giant conductor of strange noises
A bluefin tuna has washed up on a UK beach in the Dornie, Highlands, a place you wouldn’t ever expect to see this rare fish. Experts called in to observe the scene infer that
In 1969, the CSS Hudson left Nova Scotia and voyaged out into open ocean. The research vessel was embarking on the first complete circumnavigation of the Americas. Along the journey, the Hudson made frequent
The ocean traditionally acts as buffer to increased atmospheric warming because it absorbs carbon dioxide and resultantly ” has absorbed over 90% of global heating.” When the ocean absorbs CO2, it is then taken

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