Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

Animal Welfare

Speciesism [spee-shee-ziz-uhm] is defined as ‘the practice of treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species’ (Britannica, 2013). In part one of this series, we explored speciesism in
A study released last week by the University of Hong Kong proposes an evolutionary mechanism in natural fish populations that has the potential to adapt to ocean acidification. Human-driven climate change is challenging the
We kill an estimated 70-100 million sharks every year. Despite increased awareness and continued activism, this number increases everyday. The shark fin industry continues to expand. Just last  May, 2020, 26 tons of shark
Speciesism [spee-shee-ziz-uhm]: ‘the practice of treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species’ (Britannica, 2013). Ultimately, speciesism can manifest in the preferential treatment of some species and the
The Realities of the Shrimp and Lobster Industry             Just as there are various types of land-based meats with unique carbon footprints, various kinds of seafood also have different levels of carbon emissions. In

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